Breaking Stones, Polishing Rocks (Boxer) / 2014 / video/sculpture installation
Luis Flores is a multidisciplinary artist based in Los Angeles. He attended University of California, Los Angeles where he received a Bachelor of Arts in Art. His work ranges in medium from sculpture, installation, and video performance to painting and drawing. His work seeks to bring light to topics surrounding gender and masculinity that are often ignored and blindly accepted; those related to unconscious and automatic responses to preconceived expectations or beliefs about situations or tasks. Flores’ work has been shown at TractionArts, White Room, Gallery 111, and Dortort Center for Creativity in the Arts.
Luis Flores
- Department →
- School of Art
Artist Profiles
Abigail Han
Adriana Baltazar
Ali Kheradyar
Alice Lang
André Daughtry
Andres Payan
Arden Surdam
Avery Lawrence
Barnett Cohen
Beatriz Cortez
Becca Lieb
Brenna Ivanhoe
Bridget Batch
Chris Dyson
Cori Redstone
Daniel Centofanti
Daniel Wroe
Danielle Bustillo
Danny Escalante
Elena Lavellés
Elijah Ford
Elisa Harkins
Eric Andrew Carter
Eve-Lauryn LaFountain
Ibai Baldes
Jennifer Remenchik
Jessica Li
Jihyun Kim
Joshua Petker
Justin Crosby
Kang Seung Lee
Kate Kendall
Laura Schawelka
Leander Schwazer
Lindsey Schulz
Lúcia Prancha
Luis Flores
Mari Beltran
Meghan Gordon
Meital Yaniv
Minkyung Choi
Miranda Hoffs
Nathaniel Cummings-Lambert
Nicholas Jianhong Liang
Nicholas Johnston
Patrick Michael Ballard
Paul Rosero
Pilar Gallego
Stephanie Deumer
Susanna Battin
Susanne Melanie Berry
Weng-San Sit
Yi Zhang